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Our Mission: To develop informed, self directed, resourceful, and assertive students who will graduate within 4 years of entry and leave high school with clearly defined postsecondary plans. While doing so, we reach students on an emotional and individual level proportional to student needs to provide timely interventions and develop lasting relationships. 

College & Military Informational visits

OHS Counseling Office

The Okemos High School Counseling Office is located on the 2nd floor directly above the main office. OHS Counselors can help with a variety of things such as: personal problems, academic concerns, scheduling issues, college and career planning, overall wellness etc. Appointments can be scheduled by clicking on the counselors buttons or contacting Vicki Schiro at 517-706-4920.

Counseling Offerings

Zen Den (a relaxing location for students when they need a break - students will only spend 10 minutes in this room without their phones)
Group Counseling (student needs and interest determines what type of groups we run)
Presentations (FLEX, after school, and evening presentations are held on a variety of topics)
Counseling News (a monthly newsletter is linked to the bimonthly OHS newsletter outlining current events in the counseling office)


Meet the Counselors

Mr. Hedlun WaltonMrs. Cori AkersMrs. Carrie InglisMiss Joi Thompson

Additional Counseling Staff

Ms. Vicki Shiro, Secretary

Contact Ms. Schiro for college rep visits & Scheduling appointments with counselors


Contact Ms. ANGLIN FOR Scheduling appointments with counselors

Role of the School Counselor

From the American School Counselor Association

Parents, the press, administrators and the general public often wonder just what it is that school counselors do on a daily basis. Gone are the days of school counselors sitting in their office simply handing out college applications, making schedule changes for students who want to drop a class or meeting with the troublemakers in the school. Today's school counselors are vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow.