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Dual Enrollment

IMPORTANT: Students must request all Dual Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year during the Spring 2024 scheduling period.

Dual Enrollment Process

  1. Students and parents should begin by reading MSU and LCC's dual enrollment programs and their course catalogs.
  2. Students should then talk to their counselor to ensure they have selected approved college courses.  Non-approved classes will not be allowed to be taken as a part of the student’s OHS schedule nor will the district pay for any portion of these classes.
  3. Students will need to request "dual enrollment" in PowerSchool during spring registration (for both semesters the following school year) and submit a Request to Dual Enroll form.
  4. Students are then required to follow directions outlined on MSU or LCC’s websites regarding how to apply to the school and enroll in approved courses. 
  5. Students are encouraged to choose classes that do not interfere with their OHS classes.
  6. Parents/guardians will be responsible for tuition and fee payment to the post-secondary institution, minus the amount the law requires the school district to pay. In the event that a student enrolls in a course taught in a post-secondary institution according to the state mandated dual enrollment program and the student subsequently withdraws from the course, the student and a parent/guardian will be responsible for reimbursing the school district for any payments made by the school district to the postsecondary institution.

Summer Dual Enrollment Classes

 Students who wish to dual enroll in summer classes will follow directions through MSU and LCC's websites.  

Dual Enrollment Policies

For eligibility in the Concurrent Dual Enrollment Program:
1. Applicants must be working toward graduation requirements at Okemos High School.
2. In most cases, applicants must have obtained junior or senior high school standing prior to applying for the program.
3. Three – four semester hours of credit at an accredited institution (e.g. LCC, MSU) will equal one (1) semester credit at OHS.
4. Credits earned by correspondence, concurrent dual enrollment, extension or online courses (excluding 21f) will not have a grade designation entered on the transcript nor have an effect on the grade point average. Students may elect to apply external credit (correspondence course, dual enrollment, extension, or summer school) to the OHS transcript as credit only, indicated by a “G” on the transcript and having no impact on the grade point average, or as a letter grade, which will impact the grade point average. Students may wait until the grade has been issued before indicating their decision on the External Credit Form. The institution from where the student took the course will also be noted.
5. Students enrolled in year-long enrichment programs through Michigan State University’s Office of Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), including Cooperative Highly Accelerated Math Program (CHAMP), Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language, and Literature (ISHALL), and Langue pour Etudiants Avances de Francais (LEAF) earn two credits at Okemos High School for each year of enrollment. Students may elect to apply credit from these programs to the OHS transcript as credit only, indicated by a “G” on the transcript and having no impact on the grade point average, or as a letter grade, which will impact the grade point average. Students may wait until the grade has been issued before indicating their decision on the External Credit Form.

State Mandated Dual Enrollment Program: 
Effective, April 1, 1996, Public Act 160 created the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, which directs school districts to assist students who are in the dual enrollment program in paying tuition and fees for courses at Michigan public or private colleges or universities (the dual enrollment program applies only during the academic school year), if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The student has earned a Michigan Merit Examination (MME) endorsement in the content areas in which he/she intends to dually enroll, if such an endorsement is available. The student is eligible to take courses in subjects for which there are no endorsements such as computer science, vocational education, world language courses not offered by the school, and fine arts programs, as permitted by the district.
2. Public Act 594 of 2004, one of the pieces of legislation that created the MME, requires the Michigan Department of Education to set the passing scores on the readiness exams that are used to determine eligibility for dual enrollment. These readiness exams are the MME, the PSAT, and the SAT. The MME legislation indicates that the Superintendent of Public Instruction is to: determine qualifying scores for each subject area component of readiness assessment that indicates readiness to enroll in a postsecondary course in that subject under this act. For sophomore and junior students who wish to take advantage of dual enrollment, but do not have MME scores (since the MME is not taken until the spring of the junior year), the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) has established passing scores on two other examinations, the College Board PSAT assessment and SAT. Students seeking dual enrollment in the sophomore year will need a qualifying ACT score, since they will not have had the opportunity to take the PSAT. The PSAT can 77 be used by juniors to qualify for dual enrollment. Once juniors participate in the MME in the spring of their junior year, their MME scores will be used for dual enrollment decisions.

Okemos Public Schools will not fund a student’s dual enrollment until Okemos High School is in receipt of the qualifying scores.
1. The student is enrolled at Okemos High School in at least one high school class. The student’s high school schedule is shortened in proportion to the number of college classes in which the student is dually enrolled.
2. The college course(s) is an academic course not offered at OHS. An exception to this could occur if the Board of Education determines that a scheduling conflict exists which is beyond the student’s control.
3. The college course is not a hobby, craft, recreation or physical education course and is not a course in the subject areas of theology, divinity, or religious education. School districts are required to pay the lesser of: (a) the actual charge for tuition, mandatory course fees, materials fees and registration fees; or (b) the state portion of the student’s foundation allowance, adjusted to the proportion of the school year the student attends the post-secondary institution.

If a student meets all of the above conditions, is approved to register at the post-secondary institution, registers for a course and then later decides to drop the course, the student will be responsible for the tuition.

After Okemos Public Schools pays their portion of the dual enrollment fee, be aware that the family’s financial obligation to the post-secondary institution might be considerable. Therefore, parents are advised to consult with the post-secondary institution for the actual cost before making a final decision concerning Dual Enrollment.

For information about required passing scores please read this PDF: Required Scores for Dual Enrollment